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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  February 4, 2013 6:00am-8:00am PST

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and help ensure a constant supply of clean energy. the things we build share one belief. that the world's biggest challenges deserve even bigger soluons. powerful answers. verizon. >> steve: super bowl is over. come on home, brian. >> brian: all right. sean did an unbelievable job. forgot to sleep. as did a.j. hall. >> gretchen: the clydesdales are here tomorrow. have a great day. plar there are new questions about the murder of the most effective navy seal sniper in history. chris kyle survived four tours of duty in iraq. but police say in the end he was killed this weekend by a marine veteran he was ready to help.
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gregg: kyle had 160 kills. the terrorists dubbed him the terror of ramadi and put a bounty on his head. martha: he was acting as a mentor to this man eddy ray ralph before police say ralph turned the gun on him and killed him. casey, what's the latest on the investigation here? >> reporter: this is a bizarre story, one that's developing all the time. the detectives are working on figuring out how these three men knew each other exactly and for how long. apparently they had all ridden in the same vehicle together to that gun range on saturday. but the motive in terms of what spurred the attack is unclear. that what's they are trying to
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figure out. police say kyle and chad littlefield had been dead for several hours before their bodies were discovered after 25-year-old eddy ray ralph reportedly shot the two men with a semiautomatic handgun. he hopped in crisp truck and fled the scene. he was arrested at his home 75 miles from the scene. there are reports ralph is being unruly in jail. he apparently had to be tasered after attacking staff members at the jail and he's being held in a separate population away from the rest of the inmates because he's posing a danger while he's behind bars. martha: chris kyle had a lot of friend. how are they reacting to all of this?
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>> reporter: former alaska governor sarah palin tweeted about this. a lot of people are in disbelief. he had the reputation for being one of the deadliest snipers. four tours of duty. he wrote a "new york times" best seller "american sniper" which was an autobiography. he was so feared by iraqi insurgents that a bounty was put on his head. here is one of chris kyle's comrades, a retired u.s. army ranger who was on fox and friends. >> a lot of people are asking why are you taking people who are drugging out shooting. shooting is a familiar skill set. it's like taking a basketball player out to shoot hoops.
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shooting can be healing and chris used that well to his advantage to help people. >> reporter: kyle is survived by his wife and two children, martha. gregg: chris kyle joined the navy seals in 1999. his 160 confirmed kills is the most in military history. kyle once hit a target from 21 football field away. he received two silver stars, five bronze medals for valor while serving his country. martha: the suspect is said to have suffered from ptsd, post traumatic stress syndrome. it's estimated 26% of the veterans from the vac and afghanistan wars may have ptsd. from '04 to '09, 25% of vets
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treated by the va have had some form of what is described as post traumatic stress syndrome. gregg: the debate over reducing gun violence is topping the agenda. the u.s. that will meet to dozen proposals on gun control. martha: it many a new workweek. happy monday. it's the first day on the job for the nation's new top diplomat. we saw the cheerful good-byes john kerry had to the senate last week. now he's secretary of state. he will be speaking to the employees there. it seemed like yesterday hillary clinton was doing there is. the former massachusetts senator was sworn in as the 68th secretary of state for this country after hillary clinton
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formally resigned. gregg: a nasty surprise for drivers. gasoline prices taking a huge jump up 18 cents in the last week alone. the national average $3.53 for a gallon of regular. what's the deal? >> reporter: i think this is the direct result of ben bernanke promising to keep printing money. as he makes the promises the dollar goes down and the price of oil and gas goes up. the usual suspects are supply and demand or refiners of the oil companies or manipulation of the numbers. this time it seems to be a function of the sharply lower dollar because ben is printing so much money. it looks like we are on the way
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to a new normal. the old new normal was $3.50 a gallon. it looks like we'll move to another new normal of $3.75. gregg: timing couldn't be worse. you have got unemployment ticking up. you have got a negative gdp for fourth quarter. bad timing. >> reporter: it's terrible timing. on january 1 everybody's paycheck went down as taxes went up. that will take $200 billion out of the economy. now you have got gas prices spiking. that's going to take even more money out of the economy just as the economy starts to slow down and contract. the timing as you said could not be worse. gregg: you are such a kill joy on a monday morning. stu varney. martha: so this spike at the
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pump appears to be no fluke but a part of an ongoing trend. gas prices have gone up for 18 consecutive days. 18 states have gas prices higher than the national average. they are feeling the pain of that more than the rest of the states. we are just getting started on this monday morning. gregg: ahead. a deadly chain reaction crash involving a tour bus. details on what investigators think went wrong in a live report. martha: president obama in his super bowl interview. he dropped a bit of news. he is pushing once again for increased revenues. there is only one way to get those these days when you have got an economy that's not growing. former president wash adviser karl rove is here with us next. gregg: a little boy in alabama still being held hostage. this is the 7th day as new
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details emerge about this suspect. >> we can't physically do anything. all we can do is meet up and pray. >> he's coming out. we don't know when and we won't know why probably. when vegetabls reach the peak of perfection. the vegetables do. at green giant, we pk vegetables only when they're perfect. then freeze them fast so they're are as nutritious as fresh. [ green giant ] ho ho ho. ♪ green giant
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gregg: a tragic ending of the story we have been following of a new york city woman who went missing in turkey. her body was found over the weekend. authorities just wrapped up an autopsy. police are scouring the area near the ancient city walls where her body was discovered late saturday. family and friends are mourning the loss. >> she is a doll. she works at chiropractor's where i used to go. she is happy. she is a wonderful person. a wonderful mother.
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i can't imagine how her husband feels right now. gregg: she vanished while vacationing alone. police say she suffered a fatal blow to the head. martha: president obama insisting new revenues will be needed in the future. but he says the tax hikes may not be necessary. here is a piece of the interview he did yesterday. >> there is no doubt we need additional revenue coupled with smart spending reductions in order to bring down our deficit. if you combine those things together we cannot only reduce our deficit but we can invest in education and research and development that will help us grow. martha: what do you think about that at home and what does karl rove think about that. former senior adviser to president george w. bush. there was a lot in that sound bite. we know the tax hikes have kicked in, but the president is
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suggesting that we need more money from the american people essentially. >> we have a spending problem not a revenue problem. revenues this year are anticipated to be above the year they were in fiscal '08. they are going to be over $2.9 trillion over $2 trillion. spending has increased more rapidly than revenues. the tax revenues we got as a result of raising the rates on the top two brackets was eaten up about it congress in one spending bill proposed about it administration, the sandy relief measure. we have a spending problem and it's going to get worse. martha: during the campaign we heard from governor romney about
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changing the structure of the tax code long term instead of just raising taxes and doing piecemeal band-aids. do wholesale changes. now we are hearing not just a tax hike but that on top of it at well. >> fundamental tax reform will increase the revenues of the government even if it's structured in a revenue-neutral measure. this year 65.4% of the budget is mandatory spending. only 34.6% is discretionary. the entitlements that are set in concrete and don't require the action of congress, including interest. if that's continuing to rise over the next decade it will average 71.9% of the budget and 28.9%. we are cutting spend out of our
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discretionary side which is a smaller piece of the budget. social security according to the trustees is going broke and medicare is going broke no later than 2024. the president is going to spend more and more money on things like obama-care. we'll send $237 billion according to the omb on obama-care. our spending curve is going up. we can't keep up with it by taxing. we need to restrain the spending. martha: obviously what's baked into the cake, entitlement spending, medicare, social security, medicaid, those costs continue to rise. one of the questions that could be raids, have conservatives done an effective job of explaining that to the american people? the president said we'll do some spending cuts. we want to do a balanced deal.
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we haven't seen any balanced deal by republicans or the president. >> during the campaign the president said for every dollar of revenues we'll get $2.50? spending cuts. we for every $40 in revenue we got $1 in tax cuts. megaphone.resident and has a one of the interesting things is, it looks like house ways and means committee chairman dave camp is going to move on a tax reform measure. it will give the republicans a chance to say there is a different way out of this which is to grow our economy and restrain our spending. they will do that by passing a tax reform measure and passing a budget that will differ significantly from the senate. the senate is obligate as a result of the debt ceiling vote to do wait has not done in the
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last four years and that is present a budget resolution for four years the senate said we don't care if the law requires us to do it. we'll ignore that. martha: let's hope dave camp's proposal of taking on tax reform is something republicans have been talking about for a long time. chinned with the fact that the senate must act on a budget must get us into tangibles in terms of this discuss in washington. carl, thank you so much. always good to talk to you. gregg: disturbing information about iran's nuclear program. martha: this is one of the most interesting moments of the game. the light went out. i thought this was a blowout game and the next thing you know -- a firsthand account from
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what it was like at the stadium from a familiar football fan.
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martha: the search for a hiker in rocky mountain's national park is into its third day. avalanche reportedly wiped out the hiking trail and created dangerous ice pockets. a park ranger said two people
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have seen him in the wilderness. gregg: let's talk about it. ravens returning to baltimore today. they are the super bowl champs. but they will probably be remembered for something that had nothing to do with football. in the first half all baltimore all the time. the ravens going deep to jacoby jones. he gets up and goes in. martha: that was a pretty good dance. gregg: baltimore wins that by halftime 21-6. martha: by this time gregg, a big 49ers fan is in the kitchen getting a beer because he
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doesn't want to watch. look at that. then seconds later this happen happened. >> one big flick of the light switch and we lost power in half of the stadium. gregg: the lights went out in new orleans and the superdome went dark. maybe dark is too extreme. the game was stopped for 34 minutes. on the phone, bill hemmer. martha: bill hemmer was there. he never misses a super bowl. he's a huge fan. hello, bill, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to both of you. don't build your stadium on top after cemetery. martha: do you think the ghosts of and goblins were at work there? >> reporter: we were on the 45 yard line so as you were
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watching the tv at home we would have been to the right side of mid field on the far side of the stadium. from our van damage point, the fans took this blackout in stride. a lot of people didn't even move. i think they may have been more surprised by the score of the game at that time. the trainers were working on the players to keep them stretched out and keep them loose. the question was how long was this going to last. in the end it was 34 minutes. when i got back to my hotel last night and i looked at the tv and saw the images. they made it look worse on tv than it was in person. martha: i never played football, i was a cheerleader, that was the closest i got to the football field. why couldn't they keep playing? >> reporter: joe flacco said he thought the lights were perfect the way they were once they went out.
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all the tv lights were knocked down and there was distraction. if you looked at the scoreboard and the clocks, they were all out. all that stuff is run on computers. one scoreboard froze and there was just a glitch on the screen. that concerned me. i figured unless you get the score boards running again you are not going to play a football game. martha: you have got to do it the old fashion way. i'm glad you had a good time. we'll see you back here, bill. thank you so much. >> reporter: i'll tell you this. i thought the blackout was just a blip. i think new orleans did a great job. you needs volunteers to make this successful. they have them in waves down here. i think it's a good lesson for new york and new jersey. martha: we are looking forward
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to that. bill is going to take me to the souper. >> bowl next year. gregg: how sweet of you, bill. that's news to bill. 24 million treats. 260,000 treats per minute. when the lights went out, my lord, jonah goldberg tweeted the league denies any connection between the power outage and beyonce's hair drier. monica crawley tweeted they should finish this game wearing night vision goggles seal style. martha: good thing it didn't go down in the middle of the beyonce show. gregg: new details about the suspected kidnapper in that bizarre hostage standoff in
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alabama. we'll update on that. martha: we'll have more on that in a moment. that's entering the 7th day. there are also new warnings on iran. fox news learned the effort to stop iran from getting the atomic bomb may be fast approaching the point of no return. general jack king will be here with a look at this situation and what needs to be done in his opinion right away. we'll be right back.
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[♪...] martha: it's day 7 of this hostage standoff we have been watching. a 5-year-old little boy in a bunker. the fbi has delivered hot wheels cars and cheese-its to the little boy in this awful, awful situation he's in. we have new information about the suspect. 65-year-old jimmy lee dykes is the manner. traight this situation. elizabeth, what is the latest on this man? >> reporter: the standoff continues. we just witnessed another sunrise that little boy did not
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see this morning. he remained in the bunker since tuesday afternoon the hands of a suspected murderer. he's getting comfort food such as potato chips, toys, cheese-its, coloring books, medications and his favorite cars. the line of communication is open through the pvc pipes. the sense of community is trying to get back to normal. nothing like normal for this little boy right now. >> reporter: we see some efforts of normalcy. some schools are back in session. but a number of schools remain closed. the neighborhood behind me with two dozen homes remains evacuated and the community continues to mourn charles
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poland. friends hailed him as a hero at his funeral yesterday. aiden kelly is a 9th grader who has been riding on his bus for years. he says he got off the bus one stop before this happened. >> he put his life before the kids on the bus. i think that's one of the biggest things he will be remembered for, being a hero and saving those other kids. >> reporter: they will have a press conference at 9:00 a.m. local. martha: we are watching this story very closely. elizabeth, thank you very much. gregg: iran may be closer to becoming a nuclear power than anybody thought. a former top official with a u.n. nuclear watchdog, starting this summer the iran islamic
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republic will be able to produce enough material to make an atomic bomb every six weeks. general jack keane joins. us. general, always a pleasure to talk to you. president obama argued all along his policy sanctions would force tehran to deescalate its nuclear program. is the evidence clear that it either had no effect or the opposite effect and they escalated their nuclear production? >> you are right on thethey havs nuclear weapon for 20 years. we have been playing in their sand box for 20 years. a combination of diplomatic talks and sanctions. escalating back and forth to their refusal to cooperate.
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they won't let inspectors in, they won't let us talk to their scientists. but every day the program creeps closer to reality. in the last 6 months since diplomatic talks droak down in june iranians doubled their efforts to develop a nuclear weapon. we are well on our way to this become a reality. gregg: they learned from the israeli attack on iraq's nuclear facility many, many years ago. so these are the main sites that we know about, but there are a total of 20 sites. so they spread out their program. can anyone successfully take it out with tactical strikes? >> yes, we can set back program to be sure.
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in terms of totally destroying the program, that's another matter. from a military perspective we can cause a setback to those programs. it is challenging as you can see on your map. we have a physics program we have been dealing with for some years. we have highly precision weapons that can penetrate deep and our adversaries have been going deep and building large bunkers. those are what iranians have. all that said, we still have the capacity to deliver a blow to them. gregg: president obama has repeatedly said and his administration has said the military option is on the table. is that rhetoric in your judgment? is it sincere? does it need you to believe that in the end israel will be forced to act unilaterally? >> what's most important is what
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do the iranians believe? they don't believe that rhetoric. they have watched us wire brush the israelis in public for inching closer to a military option. the iranians interpret that that we don't have the stomach ourselves for the military option. they don't take it seriously. netanyahu said to us months ago that this summer is when he believes the iranians will cross the red line. and he will be forced to conduct some unilateral military action. it appears that will become a reality. gregg: iran's foreign minister claims his country is set to do a deal with the west to diffuse the situation. is that just a ploy, they are borrowing a page out of the iranian nuclear play book? it's a shell game and they are playing us? >> if you asked any american on
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the street. put a microphone in front of them and ask them that question. they would give you the absolute correct answer. they are playing us. we are in their sand box and we are playing their game and we have been doing it for a long time. they watched the use the negotiate with north korea. they want the same outcome. gregg: general jack keane, always a pleasure to speak with you. martha: a snowboarder saves her best move when it really counts. we'll tell you how she cheated death on the side of a mountain. gregg: new details on the investigation into the benghazi terror attack. what defense secretary i netta is saying and why the hearing may be a must-see. great, everybody made it.
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gregg: former president bill clinton one of those set to speak today at the funeral of former new york city mayor ed coch. he's credited with helping save the city from its economic crisis back in the 1970s. he died of congestive heart failure at the age of 88. martha: we want to bring this in for you this morning. defense secretary leon panetta is defending the obama administration's attack to the benghazi attack. he says the u.s. didn't have time to respond to that attack. here is a bit of his interview over the weekend. >> this is not 911. you can't call and expect within two minutes to have a team in place. it takes time. that's the nature of it. our people are there, they are in position to move. but we have to have good
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intelligence that gives us a heads up something is going to happen. martha: leon panetta is set to testify thursday. lindsey graham has been pushing for that. a lot of questions about this. in terms of that timing just to adress whole issue, this isn't a 911 call. i remember john mccain say egg we lost two of those people in a 7 or 8-hour change. that would make him a tough statement for him to defend on. >> you heard other people familiar with the assets in the region suggest that we could have had a flyover to try to disperse this angry crowd. what i found interesting about
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what secretary panetta said. he seems to be blaming the intelligence community saying we need better intelligence. certainly there are many reports that we know about that the intelligence community had been feeding up into the state department. had been making on its own. warning about the kind of unrest and instaability in benghazi caused by these jihadist groups. we saw repeated reports about that. so there were lots of reports about the general stability in that area to say nothing of potentially reports about that day. martha: what do you think the potential is for this hearing thursday. lindsey graham did not want the haguele hearings to go ahead until panetta was questioned extensively on what he knows. they spent most their time talk rather than asking
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questions. i think there are a lot of tough questions threeon panetta should have to answer. i expect republicans will ask those questions and give him the opportunity to provide responses. martha: let's hope the questioning from the senate this week is short and sharp and it gets to the point. we'll see. let's talk about chuck hagel. bill kristol wrote an interesting piece on the importance of reconsidering these nominations. he used harriet miers as an example. any chance of that. >> with respect to harriet miers, the conservative opposition to her nomination to the supreme court came out pretty early and they made a strong case that she was less qualified and others and we got samuel alito who has served with
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distinction since he was placed on the high court. with respect to chuck hagel what is interesting to me is to see what democrats come out and oppose his nomination. he had a miserable appearance. it was a disaster when he testified last week. you heard that from people who were paid to defend the administration like robert gibbs said he was unprepared and unimpressive. martha: where does it go from here? do it look like lit pass to you or is there any sort of -- you mention robert gibbs groundswell for reconsideration. >> we have a senator from nebraska say he intends to support the nomination. and of course hagel served from nebraska. what will senate democrats from
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red states do. they won't necessarily want to follow the white house and the president in lock step. anybody who watched that, they democrat or republican want to go support the white house and the president. couldn't have been impressed with chuck hagel. if you look at what the country is likely to face the next four years. martha: we'll see what happens starting with thursday. thank you so much. gregg: it's daylight now and we want to show you some of the pictures out in california. that's a live look at san bernardino, california. emergency workers still cleaning up after that horrible bus crash in california. at least 8 people are dead. what went wrong in a live report ahead. [ male announcer ] let's say you pay your guy around 2% to manage your money.
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martha: a snowboarder in colorado pulls off an impressive trick, narrowly dodge an oncoming avalanche. snowboarding by herself when she triggered this landslide. luckily she was able to get to a ledge just in time when she was spot by a good samaritan who called for help. >> i saw her perched on the cliff, hang on there. she was fortunate she didn't get drug the rest of the way through it. i talked to her to make sure no one else was there and i called 911. martha: it took two hours for rescuers to reach her by snowmobile and bring her to
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safety. gregg: in california police are searching for clues in the deadly bus crash effort to weekend. 8 people were killed, dozens were injured when the bus lost control on a mountain road east of los angeles. police say slammed into the back of a car, then flipped over and then crashed into a truck towing a trailer. adam housley is live in los angeles. what more do we know about this? >> reporter: we are getting a view of the scene from the air. state route 38 leads from big bear down through the inland empire. more of the arteries up toward the ski resorts. you can see the bus is mangled. there is debris all over the roadway. 8 people died. they expect that number to go up potentially as high as 10. the california highway patrol which this charge o says investigators are going through the site. they are going to go into the bus. they believe there are a couple
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more bodies. you can the debris stretches out. it's 80 miles east of los angeles on state route 38. it goes through the san bernardino national fort. still shut down. debris everywhere. the bus was returning to i what you florida when it came down the hill. it hit a ford pickup, then it rolled. the scene is horrible as the bus broke into pieces. >> the passenger side of the bus has windows broken out and several persons were ejected. that's where several of the fatalities were. >> reporter: you are seeing live aerials looking down on the crash site. very horrific scene. for several hours the rescue attempts continued. people trapped. a lot of people were thrown out
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through the windows and there are still a number of people injured in various local hospitals. gregg: we are looking at the live pictures. you can see what appear to be investigators sort of combing through the fields adjacent to the crash. is that the ntsb that's part of the investigation? >> reporter: the ntsb is part of the investigation. one of their go teams is coming out. i don't know if they are on site yet. all the different cars part of the investigation that are there to local authorities as well. we have video that just came into us. this video shows the skid marks. amazing to see the skid marks as the bus came from the right lane, careened over and couples the embankment and comes back down and rolls over to where the position ended covering parts of
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the roadway. it hit two different cars. the bus driver survived. he told authorities that he lost brakes and the brakes weren't working. the chp does say they believe speed appears to be part of this crash. while they haven't come to any conclusions and brakes could have been an issue. they are saying the bus driver was going too fast as it came down this hillside. the bus is operated by a company in national city, california. there was a tour group running as part of the ski tour it was a day tour it left tijuana 5:00 a.m. and was going back at 6:30. 8 dead. they expect that number to rise. martha: the gun control battle taking top priority in
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washington as the president starts to take his message on the road as the senate talks about legislation. we have a live report on that coming up next. glenn: a 5-year-old boy being held hostage in a tiny underground bunker for the 7th straight day.
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look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. this easy-to-understand guide will answer some of your questions, and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. martha: the gun control battle is getting hotter than ever now. president obama goes on a campaign-style bullets to overhaul the nation's gun laws. the president leaves for minneapolis in 15 minutes from now. he will go to the people. he has said he wants to take his argument straight to the american people e. wants to bana salt weapons and inch saul universal background checks for people who want to get guns. brand-new hour starting right now of "america's newsroom." in tkpwoerpbg morning. i'm martha maccallum. >> i'm jared lee loughner.
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greg jarrett. >> it's a fraud to call it universal. it will never be universal. the criminals are not going to comply witness. they could careless. you've already seen you're not going to computer rice the mental health records. here is what is going to happen. we ought to quit calling it right now the universal check. the real title should be the check on law abiding people all over this country. martha: of course the other side, as you might imagine disagrees. kelly wright is here live at the white house with us this morning. what are the supporters of the president's plan saying about that kelly. >> reporter: it's intensifying, the debate on both sides of the aisle as well as on both side of this issue of gun control. supporters to your point, martha, are basically saying that they need to get behind the president and that congress also needs to do the same thing going so far as to say that they have to do something that they believe will cut down on gun violence as we know it in american.
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retired astronaut and retired captain mark kelly sat with his wife gabrielle giffords as she delivered a tkra mat dramatic testimony during a congressional hearing on gun control recently. she was shot two years ago by aee ranged man. mark kelly believes steps could have been taken to prevent the man from getting the gun in the first place. >> common-sense tells me that if it is much more difficult for criminals and the mentally ill to get assault weapons and high capacity magazines and guns in general, that we will save lives. >> reporter: mark kelly also believes that congress should pass a gun control law that would include universal background checks. as we've heard from nra's wayne lapierre that is something that they are not for, in fact the nra has gone so far as to say it's in the in support of any restrictions at all whatsoever on guns. martha,. martha: we know that the president, kelly is going to run into headwinds even with democrats in congress on this
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issue. what is his plan to try to get it through? >> reporter: i think we are seeing that plan start taking shape today with his trip to minneapolis. the president will likely continue these campaign-style stops at various cities that have been plagued with gun control, minneapolis being one of them and already taking action of course to deal with this gun control problem, the gun violence in that city. the president will continue to push for this. he will not try to introduce any legislation himself, he wants congress to do that e wants congress to step up to the table and go ahead and offer some of its plans that he has in place. the president would like to see congress act or enact a ban on assault weapons, high kpwas te capacity magazines and a universal background check. senate majority leader harry reid says he's thinking bin doresing the backed checks but he's not to too ke, n on a ban on assault weapons. martha: he suggested that might
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not good over too well with his constituents. thank you very much. >> more on that now. republicans not the only ones questioning gun control measures. even the senate's top democrat is not sold on the idea. senate majority leader harry reid says he's willing to push for mow extensive background checks but he's not sure if he'll actually vote to bana salt weapons and high capacity a ammunition magazines, take a listen. >> i didn't volt for the assault weapons last night because it didn't make sense. i'll take a look eight. we need to take a look at federal trafficking. i think that everyone acknowledges we should do background checks. >> reareid must strike a delicate balance while following the president's lead without alienating nevada's balance. >> a navy seal was gunned down thousands of miles from any battlefield.
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chris kyle and a friend were shot and killed at a gun range in texas over the weekend. he served four tours of duty in iraq and racked up more than 160 kills as a sniper e. was so lethal in fact that the iraqi insurgents nicknamed him the devil of ramadi. last year he sat down and spoke with our own bill o'reilly about what it took to do what he said for our country, listen to this. >> as a sniper, you're job is to kill them, not wound them, not arrest them, you have to have a certain mentality to be a sniper. you're killing them. >> oh, i'm killing them to protect my fellow americans. >> and you liked it. you liked that job. in the book -- you're wife didn't want you to do it, she wanted you to stay home. how many times did you go stpwhabg? four times. >> for times. you i liked killing these guys. did you ever figure that out? >> i mean it's not a problem
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taking out someone who wants your people dead. that is not a problem at all. >> do you ever now, looking back being, have any regrets at all about anything that you did? >> yes, i do. it's the people i continue save. >> the americans you couldn't save. >> yep. >> the allied forces. >> americans, the local iraq keys, anyone who i witnessed violence coming down on them and i could not save them. >> that's your regret. >> yes, sir. >> but you don't have post-traumatic stress or anything like that, or that you killed so many human beings, that doesn't come back at you. >> none of my problems come from the people i've killed. >> it's very fascinating. that's why i want people to read your book, because i think if they do, if they read your book, chief, american sniper, they'll understand what war is really about. i think too many of us don't understand what war is real buy. >> war is hell. it's definitely -- hollywood fantasize ez abous about it,
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makes it look good, war sucks. martha: very interesting exchange there. kyle dedicated much of his time after he retired to helping fellow veterans get back into civilian life. that's what he was doing at a gun range this weekend when they say another veteran turned the gun on him. one of chris' friends say there was so much more to chris, more than just what you saw there, more than just being a navy seal. >> chris kyle was an incredible person. all the headlines are that he's the most deadly and proficient sniper in american military history and that is certainly part of it, but chris is probably one of the most kind, compassionate people that you'd ever meet. and he dedicated his life to helping veterans readjust from combat. martha: that he did. chris kyle was marry, he had two children an was 30 year 30 year30 of 38 years old.
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>> the head of iran's national security council now saying that israel will, quote, regret last week's alleged air strike in syria, and that the entire muslim world should be ready to defend the syrian people. connor polaroid is following this live from our mideast bureau. connor has iran said how it might retaliate? >> gregg, both iranian and syrian officials have issued a lot of threats. but that's all it has essentially been is threats so far. most observers and analysts believe that the most likely group to launch a retalitory attack would likely be hezbollah in lebanon, in large part because syria is bogged down with its own civil war and iran isn't in a position to strike fearing a much larger war. over the weekend syrian tv did release video of the military research facility they say was attacked by israel last week. in the video you can clearly see military vehicles. u.s. officials have said that
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israeli jets bombed a weapons convoy heading to hezbollah in lebanon. syrian officials deny that and say there with us no convoy. in the video there are obviously large military vehicles that if you were sure you could say it was a research facility and u.s. and others could say there was a convoy. there is a disagreement about what actually hafpltd it doe tullahoma lehappened. >> is there any sense as to whether israel might likely strike syrian targets yet again? >> reporter: israel has also field this a crumbling bashar al-assad regime would transfer republicans to hezbollah or other extremist groups and israel has always said that they would take the steps to defend themselves also. israel is not publicly taking responsibility for the air strike in steer yeah last week. but the defense minister eluded to the fact that israel had launched this attack and said they would do anything they need
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thoed do to protect israel. the chances of more strikes are very real and we're getting more and more reports that there are israel rejets flying over lebanon and syria in the last couple of weeks. there is definitely a real possibility of additional strikes going forward, gregg. >> conor powell live in our mideast bureau. thank you. martha: secretary of state john kerry making himself at home this morning in his first official day on the job. the former massachusetts senator taking some time to introduce himself to his new staff and telling them that he is ready for the long road ahead. here is some of it. >> i guarantee you that beginning this morning when i report for duty upstairs everything i do will be focused on the security and safety of our people. we have tough decisions to make but i guarantee i'll do everything i can to live up to the high standards that secretary clinton and her team put in place. martha: chief washington correspondent james rosen live at the state department. james, secretary kerry already
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has a lot of issues already on this is plate, doesn't he. >> reporter: he sure does, martha, as he told his former colleagues recently, today's world is more complex than anything we have ever known. the nation's 68th secretary of state was greeted by hundreds of state department officials and well wishers here at the harry s. true man building. he began with a few jokes, thank god i had a couple of id's and could get in the building. he asked whether it was possible after the last eight years to run the department of state. he said i had big heels to fill. if you want to know what secretary kerry himself sees as his most urgent priority you need look no further than his confirmation hearing. >> mourn ever foreign policy is economic policy. the world is competing for resources, and global markets, and the first priority of business which will affect my credibility as a diplomat and our credibility as a nation as
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we work to help other countries create order, the first priority will b america at last puts its own fiscal house in order. >> reporter: now when telling the officials here that he understands the difficulties faced by america's foreign service, our overseas diplomats, secretary kerry made reference to the four americans killed in benghazi e. said he would not let their sacrifices being obscured by poll tickets. fox news has confirmed through senior service career officer types that secretary kerry visited some of the wounded benge arsurvivors at walter reed medical hospital over this past weekend. martha. martha: very interesting. thank you very much. we'll see you soon. >> we are getting new details on the on going hostage crisis in alabama. a man is still holding a five-year-old boy hostage in a very small 6x8 underground
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bunker. the situation now going on for seven long days. we're live with the very latest. martha: plus president obama taking gun control and his push for some new rules and laws, taking that on the road. will any of them actually make a difference? we are going to debate this nare and balanced, that is coming up. >> the american woman who went missing in turkey was found dead. we'll tell you who killed the mother of two and if police have any suspects. >> why did she travel overseas by herself? >> i'll traveled overseas lots of times. she was going with a friend and at the last moment the friend was not able to go, and she has a hobby as a photographer, and she was just very anxious to take pictures. hey, our salads. [ bop ] [ bop ] [ bop ] you can do that all you want, i don't like v8 juice. [ male announcer ] how about v8 v-fusion. a full serving of vegetables, a full serving of fruit. but what you taste is the fruit. so even you... could've had a v8.
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>> asee await new details on the now week-long hostage crisis in alabama police say they have been in constant communication with the suspect, jimmy lee dykes as they try to provide his
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five-year-old hostage with as many comforting items as possible. what is really being done behind the scenes to secure the little boy's release. mary ellen o'toole is a former f.b.i. profiler, hostage negotiator and author of the book dangerous instincts how gut feelings portray us. first and foremost, law enforcement doesn't want to do anything that would antagonize dykes and exacerbate the situation. >> well, that's very true, they certainly don't. and they don't want other toss do that either, so i think that is a -- the most likely reason that there is very little information coming out on the case. and if you listen to what the neighbors are not saying and what family members are not saying, i think they are certainly respecting the strategy of law enforcement. they are standing back, they don't want to say anything that
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will alie aeu alienate jimmy dykes. they want to let law enforcement do what they are trained to do. gregg: how do they convince him to give up? >> it's a long negotiation process, it's back and forth, and they will listen to what mr. dykes has to say, they will listen to what his demands are and what his opinions and what he wants and they will work with him, and they will slowly, over time, they will find a common path that he can accept, and that they can -- that they can work with, and that does not happen, obviously, overnight. this is a very tough one. this is a very sensitive negotiation process, but they are working towards it, of that i'm sure. gregg: he allegedly harbors some pretty serious complaints about
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the federal government. so, do you keep the feds out of it and have local law enforcement handle it? >> sure, that's a discussion that they had probably from day one. who is the best person, or what is the best agency to be the lead negotiator in this. and if jimmy dykes does have a great deal of disinstruments for thdistrust for the federal government he may see the f.b.i. as representing the federal government. they may say, sure, we'll step back, we'll stand down, we'll be there, we'll help you, we'll be standing behind you doing what you need. but what we want and what all law enforcement wants is the best person who will make the best progress over the shortest period of time, and that would be a consideration. gregg: mary ellen o'toole, thank you very much. >> you're very welcome. martha: we are just getting new
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details this morning in the brutal murder of an american woman, a mom of two young children who was vacationing on her own in turkey. what the police are now saying happened to her, and what investigators are trying to do now to catch her killer. gregg: as the gun debate rages on there are new concerns about a mental health loophole that could allow guns to get into the wrong hands. we'll explain coming up. ♪
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deposit a check with a photo. pay someone with an email. and bank seamlessly with our award-winning mobile app. take a step forward... and chase what matters. gregg: it is 23 minutes past the hour. a high school basketball coach from detroit is under investigation now for allegedly shooting two armed teenagers in the school's parking lot, wounding one and killing the other. the 70-year-old says the teens ambushed him.
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san antonio mayor who lee and castro says he will seek a third term. he what's elected in 2009 but gained national fame when giving the address at the democratic convention. nidal al-sheikh hamoud say ahmadinejad says he wants to be the first as throw not to go into space. last week they sent a monkey into orbit to expand its space program. >> we have been following this story, this is a sad one. the police in turkey are now questioning more than a dozen people after a missing american mom has been found dead over the weekend. 33-year-old sarai sierra was vacationing alone in istanbul on short after photography trip that she was taking according to the reports. police say she died from a blow to the head.
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bill daley is a former f.b.i. investigator and joins me now. bill, good to have you here this morning. a very sad situation, a new york mom, 333 year 3333 years old. 33 years old. many people would question the trip she took. what do you think happened here. >> people traveling internationally need to be aware of some of the risks they face when they do go overseas. it's not like going to the mall or the next neighborhood over it's going to a different environment. therefore you have to be aware of who you meet, what you do and don't pack your common-sense and leave it behind, take it with you. talking about this specific case, i think we're hearing more about what is coming out. in fact there is even an eyewitness who says that she saw a hand of a woman out of the back seat of a car as a man was trying to apparently take something out of that back seat. it was in the same area where her body was found. of it appears to police that she may have been killed one other
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place and taken to the scene where her body was left. martha: they say her wallet was with her, her bracelet, earrings. as you sort of think about the area that she was in and what happened, how do you start to piece together a possible scenario in order to try to figure out -- to find and charge the people who did it? >> i have to say, it appears to be the turkish and the police over there are working with the u.s. law enforcement, f.b.i. and state department officials, have been really trying to scour whatever they can with regard to lead. they've looked at video surveillance around various places she was in, they found video surveillance of her going in and coming out of stores around the same time as they kind of last positioned her. now looking at more video surveillance of those things, much like we look here in the united states. this vehicle might have been at the store around the area where the body was found. martha: you think about potential robbery, or maybe she got involved with someone, there
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was a phone call or text message from somebody that may or may not be on this list of suspects that the turkish government say that they are dealing with. you know, human trafficking is another idea that has been brought up. how do you try to get your arms around what happened, what circumstances were going on? >> i think the motive is going to come out once they start to identify some of the suspects. they have brought some people in. whether those are really the people responsible for it redon't know. as they get more around it they'll know really what drove it. it appears to be not robbery. unless her jewelry was of lower value that they didn't think it was worthwhile. but they are missing it appears to be her phone, her ipad, we don't know whether she had a camera with her. was she taking pictures around an area, caught something that was going on, maybe an illegal transaction or caught some people in her pictures who didn't want their pictures being taken. martha: could be. bill, thank you. shrvery sad story for a local
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mom in this area. thank you for being with us. we'll see what they find out. gregg: we are following some of the oil prices and gasoline prices at the pumps. new reports that a flood of cheap oil could be hitting the market. why iraq could now change the game at the gas pump, that is coming up. i'm a conservative investor.
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martha: president obama stepping
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up his push to overhaul gun control laws in this country with a campaign-style trip that he kicks off today. he will northbound minnesota talking about this. he is expected to call for universal background checks as well as a ban on assault weapons. former congresswoman gabrielle giffords' husband captain mark kelly says this assault weapons serve only one purpose. watch. >> i spent 25 years in the military. i know the value of having an assault weapon, and it's to kill a lot of people very quickly. i think they are way too readily available. i think in time we will be able to address those issues. martha: interesting comments there from him on "fox news sunday." of course you've got the gun advocates on the other side arguing that there are situations that they believe that an assault rifle is necessary. wao*efplee takwe'll take a look at some of that in a moment. joined my kristen powers, and tony clegg. good to have you both.
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this debate is really getting into the heated part of this. we expect we'll get legislation out of the senate on this, possibly this week. keurs tan the president takes his message today out there. how do you think it will be received and politically is it something that can pass? >> well, i mean the question of whether he can pass i think it would be definitely a steep climb. politically i don't know a lot of americans who really have a problem with banning assault weapons. unfortunately assault weapons aren't really the problem, because -- unless you senior a semi automatic weapon an assault weapon which technically it isn't. most of these crimes are actually committed with semi-automatic weapons. so, the president is going out and talking about something that i think most people would say like, yeah, would a regular person need an assault weapon, that makes total sense, but it's not going to solve the problem. i think universal backgrounds checks are very information and most people are receptive too
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that has a better chance of getting through congress. martha: let's play the other side of this equation then we'll get your side of it tony. this is chris wallace on sunday with wayne louisiana pea rare the coe of the nra. >> the point of that ad was this, it wasn't picking on the president's kid. >> it mentioned them. >> the president's sids kids are safe and we are all thankful for that. >> they nice a threat that most other children don't face. >> tell the people in new tone. >> you think the president's khaoeurpb are the same kind of target as every school child in america? that is ridiculous and you know it, sir. martha: and that went on, wayne lapierre has made the argument that he thinks that universal background checks are anything but, and that criminals will never subject to them and will still be able to get guns. tony, what do you think? >> it's obvious high profile families are going to have much more attention paid to them, so their children therefore are at risk, it's a ridiculous argument to suggest that the president's
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kids perhaps are the same as everybody elses. we know that is not true. what wayne lapierre said which i do think warrants a lot of s-rgs consideration when the nra supported background checks ten years august need the mental health lobby to join in this. you have to modify the hipa laws to have mental records centralized so when you cross reference them you can make sure you're not giving somebody who is mentally ill a gun. martha: that is a great point i. feel like that is the missing part of this conversation. i mean, you know, think specifically, because what you really want to do is go back to newtown, how would you have prevented that from happening? his mother legally owned the guns there. was a couple of things that could have interes interest tere sraoepbd. there was some discussion that this is mother wanted to commit him to an institution. very, very difficult to do. that is one thing that needs to
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be addressed by a parent who clearly feels their child ace violent member of society. the other issue is should she have the right to own the guns given the fact she has an unstable child? keur >> when they refer to the mental health lobby he's referring to the universal background checks. that is not the same as committing somebody. that is a legal issue. if the mental health lobbyist what he says is causing problems then they need to be ignored. the issue is the lawyers, like the aclu who make it difficult to commit people, those are two completely different issues. i would say what could have prevent thed crim prevented this crime in newtown was if she had her guns in a safe, they keep their gun nasa safe locke tph-ss is in a closet or safe locked away. if you're going to own a gun,
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keep it locked away and if it's used in a crime you will be held accountable. in this situation she was unfortunately killed. the idea that you have guns laying around your house, somebody could break into the house and steal it and use in it a crime. >> legal gun owners are by far the most focused on gun safety. you can't malign a group of people. >> i'm not doing that. my family are responsible gun owners and they keep their guns in a safe. >> in the wake of a tragedy like this you want to do something, and while i think background checks are a good first step the president in his i think opinion on assault weapons is overreaching. you even saw that here in the state of new york where a democratic governor, andrew cuomo rushed through an assault weapons ban thinking in a liberal state it would be well received. his approval rating just dropped 15 points because there are people who just don't think you automatically rush to judgment in matters like this. where i do think you also have another problem, and we eluded to this before, have you a senate including harry reid, 20%
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of democrats have an a or b rating from the nra. they don't want to go to a drastic route. you want to have conversations that we're having. you can't ignore the hipa laws, they are federally enforced, you need the mental health lob pwaoeupb solved -- >> that i martha: this is what i call a violent cocktail. the problem is not guns in general, the problem is that when guns fall into the hand are people who are mentally deranged which every single one of these situations involves as you go across the board, why isn't that the focus of this conversation? we have to get to what really is the problem, and that is when guns are allowed to fall into the hands of people who are mentally unstable, mentally deranged should every ever have access to that gun. it's a hard thing to nail down, but that's the problem. >> that's what the background checks are about. we have more than 30 states in this country that don't have universal background checks. we have patchwork of background checks. you can drive into another state
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across state lines which is often like 20 minutes away for people and get a gun without a background check. so we need universal background checks, we need it to be federal. martha: it sound like the most likely legislation that is able to pass. >> you're claiming you're ma lining gun owners because you want to have background checks. martha: i don't think anybody said that. >> i don't think anybody said that. we actually agree, and i think even the majority of nra owners agree, members, rather, you do want universal background checks to make sure the information is in that to cross reference that relate to mental health laws, and what are we not talking about, which bill clinton himself introduced after columbine, how about securing our schools, malls, movie theaters the soft targets where cowards with guns, mentally ill people who choose to exact their anger on society with guns they go to them because they know they are not protected. martha: i believe that is not very important issue that for some reason is not part of the legislation or part of the
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conversation. >> can i say one more thing just about what you said about, tony what you're saying about the senate, all these senators that you know have these bad nra ratings. i mean that is part of the problem. you're sort of making it out like they are reflecting public sentiment or something. they are afraid of the nra. the nra is going to bombard their district if they do anything reasonable. and so you're presenting it like the nra is so reasonable, and they are not reasonable. >> their constituents, not just the nra. martha: we have to go. thank you, guys. we'll talk more about this. thank you very much. good to have you as always. gregg: in fact martha was just talking about keeping guns out of the hand of people with mental illness, it's a serious problem, but identifying those people is not always all that easy. william la jeunesse is live in los angeles with more on that. hi, william. >> reporter: gregg it's a two-step process. first it's diagnosis, then it's database.
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the problem is the mental health system is not seeing patients until they are a danger to selfor others. the privacy laws kick in and it prohibits doctors from telling the fed who is too incompetent to have a gun. arizona is more lenient, if the patient is evaluated without a court order and if their experts want the ability to put patients into the national background check database. a mobile crisis team in phoenix. >> she is having thoughts to want to cut herself. >> reporter: responding to a call for help. >> my name is brett, how can i help you, what is going on. >> reporter: throughout arizona centers like this one handle mental health emergencies. >> what do they have the risk level at. >> reporter: when needed patients get immediate psychiatric care as opposed to other states where typically a crime must first be committed before a court will order them to see a doctor. >> a doctor will take a look at the paperwork, see if it meets the legal statute for the emergency petition and if it
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does our local police are actually dispatched to go pick up the person and bring them in for help against their will. >> reporter: arizona law allowing for an early diagnosis is unique, but some argue it should go further allowing doctors to recommend the patient be added to the government no buy list for guns. >> it's certainly possible that during that evaluation period the doctor believes this guy shouldn't have access to a weapon. that doc ought to be able to call vps and put mr. jones on a list. >> reporter: current privacy laws prohibit therapists from calling police absent a specific threat. attorney chick arnold says it may be time to change. >> the law of confidentiality is really simple, everything is confidential except when it's not. and when it's not is when our community has decided that it's rights are more important than that individual confidentiality right. >> reporter: arizona law allows anyone, a teacher, friend, family, to request an evaluation
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for someone who shows a quote, acute or persistent disability, not just those who represent a danger to selfto other, gregg, so getting those who are most unstable on the buy list however is controversial and that's where congress is trying to tackle that issue. back to you. gregg: william la jeunesse, live in l.a.,. martha: interesting. it's been about 20 years since iraq has been able to pump out oil at the rate that it is doing no. why that could mean a big change in the oil markets and for you the next time you fill up. we'll explain coming up. gregg: we'll take a look at this. dramatic videotape showing the aftermath of a small plain crash. we've ever going to explain what happened. >> what it looked like was okay this is the snow, and this is the plane, circling over the house right here, and then it went this way, and then this is the nose right here and it went down.
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gregg: gasoline prices are on the rise yet again. the national average rising sharply the past couple of weeks by roughly 20-cents a gallon. could all of that, though, change in the near future thanks to iraq? matt mccall is president of the penn financial group. steve moore senior economic writer for the "wall street journal." all right. when you talk about iraq the term cheap oil is used because it's relatively inexpensive to extract it because it was under utilized for decades. you the know the wars there and the oil embargo and so forth. if that is now tapped, and escalated properly, steve, could we be entering an era of cheap energy? >> look, i think we are going to enter a era of cheap energy regardless of what happens in iraq, because actually the big news story in energy is what is happening in -- store in the united states of america.
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gregg: well assuming it's not stopped. >> right, kpel exactly, grea well, exactly, great point, gregg. with respect to iraq this is a major oil export company that's been off line for the last five to ten years. if they can continue to produce oil that will reduce the oil price around the world. by the way that has the affect gregg of being like a tax cut for the american consumer. it's very good news for consumers and the economy. gregg: matt, now as iit you thid cheap oil will not have an affect on world markets. why is that? >> a few reasons. one because this cheap oil they are talking about is going to take many years to get to the level it's going to make any bit of a difference. i'm talking a decade or two coming out of iraq. and on top of that, as the supply does pick up from iraq you have saudi arabia, russia, other major oil producing countries that will be declining as far as their production is
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concerned. so this is only going to make up for that decline that we see in other major countries. the third big reason is demand is going to increase at a much higher rate than supply is. you look at china for example, per capita we consume 20 barrels per year in the united states. china is at 2. that's 1.2 billion people. imagine fit goes to 3 or 4 barrels a year. the increase in demand is going to out strip supply many times over. gregg: same thing with india. >> the reason i somewhat disagree with that, right there is great increasing demand. the whole his traoeft oil market has been that technological improvements that completely out stripped the demand for oil and we are seeing that now. there is a revolution going on because of fracking, because of or sopbt tal drilling technologies, that you look at what is happening in north today coat tarbgnorth dakota. every time we drill we find more oil there.
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i think the future is pretty bright in terms of the supply of oil because of all these new drilling techniques. gregg: we have to leave it at that. thank you both. good to see you. thank you. martha: it's supposed to provide help to those who need it most but coming up we'll take a look at how disability insurance all too often ends up in the wrong hands, surprise, surprise, right? we'll be right back.
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martha: last year a massive investigation uncovered a billion dollar insurance scam against one of the nation's top disability programs. now we take a look at why the system continues to be full of fraud and abuse. david lee miller joins us live in our studio here in new york. >> reporter: in the case you're talking about hundreds of retired railroad workers in the new york area claim they were
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disabled in order to boost pension benefits. while this case is unique experts warn disability fraud is a growing problem. take a look at one cheater caught on surveillance video. investigators say the woman wearing a statue of liberty headband, playing the drums fraudulent collected years of social security disability insurance. she claims she couldn't work due to anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. she ripped off the system until caught partying at this music festival. >> she alleged she spent most of her time alone in her own house trying to ease her own anxiety. >> reporter: there you now 8.8 million people, more than the population of new york city claiming they are unable to work and collecting social security disability insurance. >> there is a fair amount of fraud and abuse in the system, simply because of the way it is organized. >> reporter: in addition to physical ailments applicants can claim to be suffering from mental disorders that are easily faked, such as difficulty concentrating. the majority of people collecting a check never return
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to work unless doing so illegally off the books. >> social security just simply doesn't have the ability at this point in time to go and recheck people the way it should, the way they are actually required to do. >> reporter: disabled workers receive about $1,100 a month, but the total annual bill for taxpayers, 130 billion. authorities have this warning for potential cheats. >> it's not an easy thing to do and if you do it there is a good chance we're going to find you. >> reporter: taxpayers foot the bill for social security disability, those who stand to lose the most are those legitimately disabled workers who depend on benefits to survive. the disability trust fund could soon go broke unless congress cuts waste. that could happen by 2016. martha: in all the programs it's the people who generally need it who don't get it because it's the people who are cheatth system. david lee, thank you very much.
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